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Laughter Yoga - Laughter Heals Body, Mind, and Soul
...3. Laughter strengthens the immune system.4. When we laugh our bodies release hormones and chemicals that have positive effects on our system. One of these chemicals is endorphins, the feel-good hormone. Because laughter increases the level of endorphins in the body, it's a natural pain killer.5. One minute of laughing burns the same number of calories as 6 to 10 minutes on a treadmill. So ...more
Yoga Mats - Make Your Yoga Exercise Comfortable
... exercises to keep body and mind healthy. There is an element of divine involvement is also believed to be incorporated with yogabhyaas or yogic exercises. A lot of focus is given on the breathing exercises and different postures of body called aasanas. Yoga exercises are done under the guidance of a trainer as...more
Yoga Your Way to Weight Loss
...being able to stretch.Buy yoga clothes that fit. Don't be afraid of the clothes' form fitting stretchiness. Just get the right size. With regular practice yoga clothing will permit you to watch your body change in what can only be referred to as astonishing ways.Another point is that your relative flexibility should no...more
Learning Focus and Concentration Through Yoga
...ither.Ancient, and modern day yogis, taught yoga as a way to gain focus and become one with yourself and the universe. Being grounded is a major goal of many westerners because, to them, it is so illusive.Occupations, family, avocations, addiction to multi-tasking and caffeine, goal achievement, and cultural pressures are among the reasons that people in the west suffer f...more
Pregnancy - Recommended Yoga
... the baby.The benefits of Yoga asanas along with breathing and relaxation techniques during pregnancy and labor are- i) Relieves fluid retention which can be common in the last months.ii) Influences the position of the baby and turning it in advance if need.iii) Strengthening and massaging the abdomen...more
