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Protecting Your Yoga Teaching Business
...litigation and Yoga? The old saying, “the truth hurts,” applies to legality, ethics, and teaching Yoga. You can always “bury your head in the sand” and hope that you are never involved in a legal battle. After all, what kind of a student would sue his or her Yoga teacher? Doctors must ask each other this question every day. ...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...first turned away from his wickedness, who is not tranquil and subdued, or whose mind is not at rest, he can never obtain the Self by knowledge.' (Katha Upanishad 1.2.24) And in the Atharva text: 'It is in those who have tapas [strong discipline] and brahmacharya [chastity] that truth is established.' (Prashna Upanishad 1:15)And in the Gita: 'Firm in their vow of brahmachar...more
Are You Lacking Concentration and Discipline In Your Life? If So, Try Yoga for More Focus
... altogether; making a decision that doesn’t empower you to move forward; choose a hasty decision that will cause more difficulties or create a angry situation that solves nothing and may perpetuate the problem.Yoga was first used by the ancient Hindu yogi’s of India to obtain self-control and elevate their consciousness to an enlightened state of awareness. When you apply that philosophy to...more
How To Lose Your Love Handles
...o stay on that diet for a long time.* As soon as you quit the diet and return to your old ways, you will gain weight again.* Many weight loss diets, are not healthy and can even be harmful.For long term weight loss you need to go to the root of the problem and make changes in your life and lifestyle. Excess weight in our society is mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle...more
Physical And Mental Benefits Of Yoga expect to see Your muscles get incredibly toned and fit. Especially muscles that have become flaccid or weak, are stimulated repeatedly in order to help you shed flab and flaccidity. Therefore, Yoga helps toned and shaped long, lean muscles.Pain and Disease Prevention: Increased flexibility and strength can help prevent the causes of some typ...more
