
Yoga Mats Also


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Kundalini – the Secrets and Dangers of the "Coiled Serpent"
...escribing each and every chakra, the colors, fragrances, sounds etc. that is revealed when the Kundalini pierces through each chakra. They are all a fascinating read, really.The key concept to understand is that Kundalini’s upward travel along the “shusumna” is a CLEANSING process.Yes, it burns its way up and yogis li...more
Yoga for Pain Management and Relief!
...onnection with you!Yes, Yoga has become a buzz word here in the U.S., a very popular and healing activity for Americans from all walks of life. The word Yoga means ‘union,’ from the Sanskrit root word Yug (to join).It is the alignment and harmonizing of body, mind and soul that tends to leave the practitioners, the Yogis and Yoginis in a state of peace, bliss, well-being, and contentment…mo...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – No More Chronic Neck Pain
...he moment. She also lets us know what the benefits of each pose are which helps us understand why we are doing the poses.If you are thinking about joining a class or purchasing (some) videos be assured that the hour you put in that you didn’t think you had time for will give back multiple benefits including higher energy levels, a calm m...more
Purpose of Yoga - From Thought to Action
...r the ride, so you are in good company. The seer has no fear, so you must be the one to calculate the good or bad, but you must take action, while the seer is inspired.Getting back to purpose, once you have found a purpose that is ethical, and gives you self-worth, you are on your way toward action. The next step is to develop a plan of action.Yet, your attitude must be programmed, w...more
Yoga Teacher Certification in New England
...are wide open. Perhaps you are looking at obtaining a bikram yoga certification. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga that is performed in a heated room to improve body detoxification. If that sounds like your style, then a bikram yoga certification just might be for you.Maybe you are more interested in holistic yoga. H...more
