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Yoga Teacher Certification for the Rich and Famous
...m a Master Teacher, or a Guru, is a valuable service. Our course is designed for an experienced Yoga practitioner who doesn’t need as much hands on help or who has a local Yoga teacher for guidance.He continued the conversation to ask me about technical support, and I explained that we handle it by Email, over the phone, and some interns stop by for our Yoga teacher workshops. We have had Yo...more
Practicing Hatha Yoga: The Gateway to Happiness
... mind classifies and categorizes everything, but the system of organization can be flawed if the mind is not tolerant, loving, and respectful of others.Judging others is a “prison.” Yoga teaches us to avoid judgment of others. Many of us judge ourselves, and other people, too harshly. Do not expect others to fit into a “template” of what you consider to be ideal or moral...more
5 Gifts to make Labor and Birth Easier
...o lean on for back labor. After the baby is here, she can hold the baby and sit and bounce gently. Babies love it!3. A Doula-Chip in with some friends to pay for or help pay for her to hire a doula. Research shows that a doula’s presence facilitates several factors in labor and birth: 25% reduction in length of labor,...more
How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress physical level hatha yoga creates strength, flexibility, grace.Yoga helps to unlock and release tensions before they can accumulate over time and become chronic physical and psychological conditions. As we release physical blockages, toxins, and limitations from the body we also do so in mind, sp...more
Yoga Dance Based Butt Exercise For The Ideal Female Body Shape
...tracting in a coordinated manner as you deepen the stretch and increase your one legged movements and glute work. You can't help but lose pounds, and inches of thigh fat, waist fat and more.Building Strength And All-Over-Body Muscle Tone. Your abs, buttocks and arms get the brunt of the strength section of w...more
