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The Purpose of Yoga - Taking Control of Your Life changes from within. Within all Yoga styles are the tools of self-realization and transformation. Once a Yoga practitioner has managed to empower him or herself, a positive direction will become the easiest path to follow.Everyone is subject to outside pressures, even adults. There is always somebody who is willing to give you advice you did not a...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...people puzzle you sometimes? When you think you have heard it all, someone comes up with a “new spin” on an old idea. When you teach Yoga techniques for a healthy mind, body, and spirit; are you trying to help your students reach a normal state? If that is your goal, you may just frustrate yourself and confuse your Yoga students in the p...more
When Does One Become A Yoga Teacher?
...ecame such a “magnet” to the public. Large Yoga classes are not a bad thing, but it is easy to forget the way Yoga was taught for centuries.Now, let’s fast forward into the 21st century. Today, we have access to instant information. You can learn Yoga from television, the Internet, books, DVD’s, MP3’s, CD’s and e-Books. It would seem anyone who wants to become a Yoga teacher has all the t...more
Yoga is Self Improvement
...been lost before man started to record it. In the time period beyond 5,000 years a fair amount of knowledge would have been passed on by word of mouth, and as a result, some of it would be missing.There are many different types of Yoga, but all of them contribute to mankind’s self-improvement. So, mankind has been a work in progress for thousands of years and has organized s...more
How to Practice Yoga Exercises Correctly
...cises correctly to get the most benefit and to prevent injury. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.* Before you begin, be sure that you are in good enough physical shape to be able to handle this new exercise routine. If you have any questions at all about that, consult your doctor and follow his directions as you get started.* Be sure that you learn the yo...more
