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Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques
...easurement of success.Children do not have to worry about making the “next cut” in their Yoga class. There is no worry about reaching the next level, but every child wants to perform better in his or her next Yoga class. A little competitive drive is healthy for all of us, and children are naturally competitive by natu...more
Yoga -- For Relaxation
...g your yoga experience deeply satisfying. Entering the profound stage of relaxation and synchronization between your inner and your outer self can occur only with appropriate action.Relaxation is actually a necessary part of every yoga routine. The body needs to relax after practicing the exercises, especially the more demanding ones. Certain asanas require an unusual positioning of the body, w...more
Yoga For Shoulder Pain - 3
... repeatedly and, if you begin to feel some shoulder pain, it's important to drop your knees to the floor as you lower down, easing the burden on the shoulder.1 So don't be surprised if one day while you're doing a hard yoga pose, with humeri retracted, the pain in your shoulders leaves you for good.Ask anyone who's had it and they will tell you about their misery-...more
Yoga and Obesity
... weight. But when they start dieting, body starts to slow down in order to conserve energy and boost its chances of survival. This is why weight loss tends to slow down as we continue to diet. So in a way dieting is not the good method for reducing weight.The most common cause of obesity is overeating and less physical movement. Overeating p...more
The ABC's of Kundalini Yoga
...snake", you should also have a sufficient education on the nervous system, especially on the spinal cord. It is concluded that the Seven Chakras are located in this particular part of the human body.But how does one start with Kundalini yoga? There are several ways. First, of course, is the preparation, assembly, and exercise of the mind; then one is free to seek the ...more
