
Yoga Zone Introduction To Yoga


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...teaching yoga to young men, whose desires can be difficult to harness. Unless you are living the ascetic life of a sadhu, chances are you will indulge in sexual pleasure, food pleasure or any number of possible treats. To bring brahmacharya into your life and yoga practice is to practice moderation in all things, including those things that are pleasurable di...more
Teaching Yoga as Therapy
...student in a wheel chair, you will clearly see healthy results, which are mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual, in nature.After observing martial artists, gymnasts, dancers, and competitive athletes closely, Yoga practice is much more than a form of cross training. Many of them learned to work around pre-existing injuries and ailments, as a result of practicing Yoga on a the...more
The World Goes Gaga Over Yoga As A Stress Reducer
...ould be effectively cured yoga dhyana or meditation. Meditation offers a long term solution to people who are prone to stressful situations. In today's life you can't avoid stress, so stress management becomes a prerequisite. That's when Yoga proves it's efficacy as stress management tool with its wider range of ...more
How To Use Yoga In Your Weight Loss For Great Results
...alories which will eventually cause you to have a lower body weight. Another side effect is that it will help to improve your circulation and increase your energy level.Helping to stimulate the metabolism is combining the various back bends with the forward bends. The poses that affect the neck region can be helpful in stimulating the thyro...more
Namaste Yoga For Healing And Health
... relaxed and detached. This is also in keeping with the fact that it is a gesture used in saying hello or goodbye.Generally, the Namaste yoga practice is used in conjunction with other yoga practices. For example, a group could, as a sign of respect, hold the hands to together and bow the head to each other. Then, th...more


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