
Tools Supplies Yoga Die Grinder Accessories


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Yama and Niyama in Yoga
...r the positive aspects of the behaviour as described by yoga:• Shoucha (Cleanliness): This includes the cleanliness of the mind and the body. Yoga has described a clean mind as the one free of any prejudices, false beliefs, ignorance and ego. Generally speaking, all the yamas come under this niyama since they deal with eliminating some or the other impurities.• Santosha (Contentme...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
...ho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), chanting a mantra, sitting by the ocean's edge watching the wave relaxing into the ocean or sitting in traffic and giving the person who aggressively cuts in front of me a silent blessing instead of a curse... it is all yoga. It is not enough in this day and age to do yoga- the ...more
Yoga and Pregnancy - Why Do Yoga At This Time?
...ancy. I believe we should train to have a baby. You wouldn't climb a mountain or run a marathon without training first, and there is also the other side to yoga - it is a mind and body practice. The postures will keep the body strong but the meditative side of yoga is vital. The transition into motherhood has to be addressed. We live in a culture where we have babies and rush back t...more
Yoga For Shoulder Pain - 2
...verhead. There may be different angles of the arm that either help or hinder your pain.ConclusionJust by doing a few relevant exercises a few minutes a day (if you are really keen and want to get rid of your pain try half an hour of exercise daily). Over a period of time your shoulder will heal.There are man...more
The Number One Exercise to Boost Your Sex Drive
...ut did you know that exercise and sexual desire are connected and that by doing both of them you'll actually feel and look better? Experts agree that exercise can boost your desire by increasing your energy, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting levels of hormones, and improving your body image.And safe sex has been found to improve posture, boost self esteem, firm the ...more
