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Yoga Poses: Techniques for Beginners to Veterans
...thers will have to work at achieving them.The various basic poses for beginners include standing poses, to help align ones body and maintain good posture, as well at seating poses, for hip and back strength. Forward and backward bends are performed for an increase in balance, flexibility and to help release tension in the body. Balance plays a large role in yoga...more
3 Keys to Unlock Greater Benefits from Yoga Practice
...g a long, controlled inhale exhale cycle that fills your lungs to capture the maximum amount of oxygen for each breath. Focusing on your breathing in this way, helps you to remain relaxed and allows you to be more aware of your physical condition enabling you to better feel the stretch, be aware of tension in your muscles and concentrate on releasing t...more
Okay, Explain Bikram Yoga to Me Again with Improvement in T cell function and your immune system* Helps with Improvement in your lymphatic system* Helps with Lengthening and strengthening of muscles* Helps with Increased flexibility* Helps with Improvement in peripheral circulation* Helps with Improvement in metabolism / digestionAt this point it must be mentioned that combining the general and across the board...more
Hatha Yoga
...Yoga Patanjali collected the yoga knowledge available in 2 A.D. and wrote a treatise called ‘Yoga Sutra.’ The yoga of Patanjali has 8 limbs to be practiced in sequence. They are Yama (restraint), Niyama (observance), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentrati...more
Does Yoga Mean Women in White Tights?
...breathing and its effect on the human body. Physiology tells us that the functioning of the human body is highly dependent on our breathing.We know that when we are anxious, our breathing is short and fast. When we are relaxed it is long and deep. The latter produces a more efficient human body an...more
