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Practical Information on How To Open Your Yoga Studio
...nts to material belongings, it is not good to make it a money-making endeavor. However, since you have already decided to open your own studio, you will have to do away with this conception.Therefore, merely learning the subject will not do. You will also have to work on your entrepreneurial skills in order to succes...more
Kids Yoga: Stress Management Sessions for Children
...practical solutions a lot more than criticism or a lecture.Peer pressure in school is much more than just drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. Children are harassed by their peers, over every issue, including the clothes they wear. These days, children are pressured into pretending they are rich or joining a g...more
Yoga's Eight Fold Path to Enlightenment
...als, students are encouraged to become familiar Yoga's eight fold path. The eight fold path consists of eight disciplines; Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samhadi.The first fold, Yama, advises students to engage with the world from a moral standpoint, and is actually broken down into five distinct elements. The first element, Ahimsa, teaches the student ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Methods for Focus, Concentration, and Tranquility to them because of an internal fear of poverty. They are the “untouchables,” which exist in all societies. Poverty is something that most of us do not want to take an in-depth look at. Even those of us who rise from poverty can “forget our roots.”The truth is, we should all count our blessings for what we have. If we are...more
Tracing the History of Yoga
...ugh senses and inner vision which then can be applied to our daily lives.As time went on, Yoga has progressed and has regarded the inmost experience. Yogis then have focused on how to improve the individual enlightenment, recovery and salvation.Yoga’s evidences were first tracked in the archeological evidence which was found in stone seals exhumed from the Indus valley. Yoga postures we...more


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