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What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
...eShoucha - Purity Santosh - Contentment Tapa - Endurance Swadhyaya- Self study Eshwar Pranidhan- Dedication towards god3. Asana: It is the practice of asana for better well-being in your body and soul4. Pranayama: Breathing exercises a way to attain control on your breathing pattern5. Pratyahara: Withdrawal of the senses, which would mean total cut off from...more
What is Yoga?
... elevates the spirit.Many people are intimidated to practice yoga due to the misconceptions that one must be naturally flexible to do so, or that ones religious beliefs will be challenged. Some refer to yoga as merely stretching; I do this myself to cut down on the intimidation factor for others. Stretching is, of course involved, but yoga is the practice of poses or post...more
Yoga and the Breath
...axing breath in yoga. One way to do this is to clench the body part in question and then let go entirely. You may not even realize that your muscles are locked until you try to contract them.* Keep your breaths smooth and easy during your yoga practice. Everyone breathes at their own natural rate, but becoming conscious of your breath does not mean controlling it in any way. Notice your breath a...more
The Benefits of Yoga - Healthy Body and Mind
... but also mental and psychological well-being. Yoga helps to calm the mind, allowing practitioners to feel a sense of inner peace and balance.There are multiple branches of yoga. In Raja yoga the focus is on meditation. Karma yoga states that what we experience today is a result of past actions. Bhakt...more
Yoga and The Da Vinci Code
...o detail about the Gnostic Gospels, the Cathars, and the Templars.Look back into history objectively, and you may wonder what Roman Emperor Constantine’s real agenda was at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. What was the real purpose of gathering all of the Christian sects “under one roof?” It possibly has more to do with...more


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