
Syda Foundation Siddha Yoga Meditation Teachings Community


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5 Reasons to Take up Yoga Now
...l give you bags more energy.5 – It promotes a healthy mental state. Because yoga is a gentle, low impact, easy to follow activity, it has continually brought great benefits to people that suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and other mental ailments. Yoga also teaches you better breathing techniques, which stay with you even when you’re not doing it – keeping you calmer thr...more
Facts on Yoga
...e. It is estimated that around sixteen million North Americans practice this form of yoga. These yoga classes focus on breathing exercises, physical exercises and meditation, which are especially beneficial for people with back, heart, or breathing problems.In studies, yoga has helped young and old people alike who have heart problems. The studies have shown that yoga help...more
...e some kind of exercise, too.You can exercise for strength, flexibility and stamina, as well as for more specific goals. Talk to a personal trainer for details and to set up a personal program. Different programs will contribute more to different goals. Myself, I like Yoga for my exercise program. I have yoga videos from for about 8 different goals, including strength, flexibi...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Identify the Cause
...herefore, this should be discussed with the company before one takes on the additional responsibility. There is also the option for students to meet with you for a private or semi-private consultation at your Yoga studio. Sometimes, solutions that seem obvious, from the outside, are not so easily found, from within, when we are...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Character of a Professional Yoga Teacher
...ies for instructors who teach a physical style of Yoga, but they indicate nothing about their character or ethics.In fact, a Yoga instructor's mission is to teach us something, in each lesson, which we can take home to improve our health. The teacher's physical prowess does not teach us anything new; and physical feats are not a reflection of teac...more
