
Yoga Mats Royal


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Getting Started with Yoga
...ose who are pain free and carefree, yoga can maintain a sense of peace. Yoga also provides so many physical and mental health advantages that it’s hard to find anyone who can’t benefit from it in some way. What to Wear Some forms of exercise may warrant your purchase of that new workout suit calling your name at the local ma...more
Gym Or Yoga - Take Your Pick friends will say. Yoga is good for health too. So is Tai-chi. That can make anyone confused. What is the best option?Let us have a quick look at what each of these exercises have to offer.Doing anaerobic exercises in a gym involves a lot muscular activity. The body’s metabolic activities are increased. This results in burning of extra fat. The tone of the muscles becomes better. ...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Lord Of Dance
..., yet firmly with focused attention. It is usually performed as the final posture of a series of challenging backbends.The Natarajasana balances the nervous system and develops mental concentration. It generates vitality and enhances the digestive power.The Lord of Dance posture tones and strengthens the leg and hip muscles. It stretches the shoulders and expands the chest.When done in a ...more
Do You Need A Yoga Exercise Mat
...think of trying yoga exercise without using a mat.Yoga mats come in a variety of types, styles and thicknesses. A typical yoga mat has a sticky surface to help with friction when obtaining your poses. Some yoga mats are thicker than others, and these can really help when you get on your knees.Yoga mats come in a multitude of colors and patterns, so you can express your personality ...more
Relax and Get Fit with Yoga Positions, Stretching and Meditation
...realize your full potential as a person. There are two types of meditation - active and passive. Active meditation involves use of a mantra, which is the repetition of a particular word, syllable or sound. Passive meditation involves observing your breath, much as you do during yoga. Benefits of meditating include lower blood pressure, decreased heart and respiratory rates and an overall feeling ...more
