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Why Combine Astrology, Reiki and Yoga?
...rifies your frequency to one of integrity and divine connection.I combine astrology with reiki and yoga because it is a good way to understand where the soul is aiming, what the soul is working on and help it to get to it's intended divine expression. Astrology creates a great foundation for seeing and healing present and past issues. Reiki and yoga help you work through the...more
Rejuvenated Yoga
...lly rejuvenated yoga. Other than curing of illnesses and the telecast of his programs on TV, the primary reason for the rejuvenated yoga is the easy manner in which it is presented now. In other words, quick benefits with minimal efforts.Yoga, with its new presentation, has helped people in developing healthy habits by waking up early in the morning, followed by energizing yoga practi...more
How To Get In Shape By Picking The Right Gym
...oga has a lot of benefits, and this is the reason why many people practice Yoga at the gym.Practicing yoga, exercising at the gym, or going for a jog are all activities that are very different for me today than they were when I started going to the gym.Spinning is a great way to improve your fitness. I recently rediscovered some m...more
Ethics of the Yogis - Part 1 - Non-violence
...andhedrin (8:7) explains this common-sense decree, that if there is a rodef - somebody who is pursuing you to kill you - you are allowed to take their life. So how on earth does this interact with the yogic principle of non-violence?I think the Rabbis were merely giving us advice for protection in an extreme case, rather than outlining the ideal scenario. The word rodef also ap...more
Understanding Yoga and Pranayama
...cally means asth (Eight) and Anga (limbs) or eight parts of yoga. Which includes, Yum, Niyam, Asana, Pranayma, dyana, pratyahar, dharana and samadhi.In my first series of articles, We'll discuss Pranayama.As Yoga exercise is incomplete without purification of your internal Soul. You can treat Yoga as purification of body and Pranayama and other limbs as puri...more
