
Harmony Lavender Yoga Mat 2 Mats


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How Yoga Helped Me Navigate Choppy Waters
...a meditation and butterfly garden and the space inside became a yoga studio. I use my studio as a place of meditation and personal practice. I have collected all my favorite yoga books and memorabilia from my retreats in that space. I know that when one door closes, another opens. I have survived great loss and received great reward…th...more
Yoga and Christianity a Conflict?
.... Recently, I was reading about someone who claims Kundalini is “new age witchcraft.” Sorry to say, another person recently stated, “Good Christians should avoid the devil’s exercise,” in reference to Yoga.Are the Salem witch trials still so close to our hearts? These claims are interesting because ministers and priests have been practicing meditation for centuries, wit...more
Top Tips About Yoga And How To Get Started
... that I have come across while learning about yoga is that there can be some embarrassing moments, but you will just have to get past them. I actually don’t even know if it is true or not, but I have read that some of the poses can cause you to pass gas involuntarily. If this happens to you, you shouldn't worry about it too much. Anyone ...more
The History of Yoga
... in written form was in the Rig Vada, one of the sacred texts used by Vedic priests. Yoga is a means of achieving spiritual enlightenment.Originally, yoga techniques were passed down from teacher to student through word of mouth. These techniques had never been written down until the Indian sage Patanjali wrote down a systematic method of yoga in...more
How Can Yoga Contribute Towards Clearer - Healthier Skin?
...least eight hours beauty sleep in order for our skin to repair the daily damage done to it and to prepare for the day ahead. If you do not get enough sleep your skin will often look dull and tired.Yoga works every muscle in the body and that really can tire you out. So, when it comes to bed time you should be really ti...more
