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Need Help with Yoga Tips for Starters?
...tarters and how to apply them for maximum efficiency.In no particular order, I gave her this list:1. Get a good Yoga Mat.2. Get some nice Yoga apparel3. Make sufficient space in her room.4. Get a metronome for accurate timing needs.Now, I handed her information on the very core of yoga tips for starters, in fact the very core of Yoga itself (and in some circles, Ma...more
Finding and Releasing the Energy of the Mind
...old something over and over it comes to believe it, whether it was true to begin with or not. Our minds are very literal; engrain the thought that your job is a pain in the neck, and pretty soon, everyday when you go to work a nagging pain begins in your neck. The brain will give you what you think abou...more
Going Gaga over Yoga
...s. And now, yoga is more popularly known to people as a form of discipline that varies from one concept to another. The term yoga is now also viewed as a discipline that deals with purely physical abstraction to purely spiritual conquest and to just about everything in between. If you are thinking of practicing yoga to improve your life, you must know hoe to convert its un...more
Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
...ts who aspire to teach some day. Listening skills, in Yoga, start when you take your first class, as you learn by hearing, watching, and doing.The Yoga student who learns predominantly by listening will be able to verbally communicate the finer techniques to others in the future. This is not to say that other methods of learning have less value, but a skilled Yoga teacher must be...more
A Comfortable State of Mind and Body
...wallowing of heavy doses of poisonous chemicals in the guise of medicine, or expensive surgery and psychiatric treatment. Prevention is better than cure, and practicing Yoga not only prevents an individual from falling sick, it also helps to recover a healthy state of mind and body! Furthermore, the twists and stretched yoga asanas or postures compel the ...more


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