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Yoga in Practice - Yogic Solutions for Fear
...beautiful pieces, because they imagine disapproval or listen to the wrong feedback.How can Yoga help? All forms of Yoga bring about a state of inner tranquility. Within Jnana Yoga, the practitioner learns to see reality. One reality, which we should all learn at a younger age, is to see the truth. You cannot base the truth on the opinion...more
Yoga: Ancient Wisdom for Today's Health
...elationship of mind, spirit and body. The Bhagavad Gita ("Song of the Lord"), written perhaps between 400 and 100 b.c.e., defines four major branches of yoga. Each is focused on an aspect of mind, spirit or body and explores their relationship from a different perspective.* The first, Karma yoga, is the yoga of action in the world.* The second, Jnana yoga, i...more
Top 10 Profound Health Benefits of Yoga
... nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, reproductive system, etc.3. Healing: The power of Yoga to heal ailments and cure diseases is becoming more and more an integral part of mainstream medical practice and treatment methods. This ability of Yoga to heal also promotes longevity.4. Flexibility: Yoga postures (asanas) are perhaps the best type of exercises you...more
Get Into Asana Twists For A Yoga-Calm Mind
...One of the major categories is asana twists which are designed to extend and open the spinal channel, tone the abdominal muscles and untwist the mind.The aim of most asana twists is to bring the shoulders to a right angle with the hips. The pose will be held for between thirty seconds and a minute and with eac...more
Yoga and Neck Problems: What's the Risk?
...d cause severe compression on the cervical vertebrae (neck). Also, your doctor should be made aware of any “risky” movements and positions performed in a Yoga class, such as, chin locks, neck rolls, and fingers clasped behind the neck.You will find it is important not to do any exercises or postures that hurt, even a little bit. Pain is your body's way of telling you, "not to do that” and “sto...more
