
Yoga Alliance Certification Program


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Yoga Alliance Certification Program Information


And You Thought Yoga Was Just Stretching!
...ess books, DVD’s, videos and classes being offered for all ages, levels of fitness and experience (some of them being actually free for the first couple of lessons to try Yoga out), I suggest you give it a trial and see for yourself what it can do.One thing I promise you is this; you will walk out of your class and nod in agreement that indeed: “yoga is way more than just stret...more
The History of Yoga - A Comprehensive Global Guide the exodus of the Indus-Sarasvati civilization southward towards the Ganges River.The Brahmins and Upanishads are spiritual texts, written around 600 to 800 B.C, and they were dealing with the rituals performed by Brahmin priests. The Brahmins is a text explaining the Vedic rituals and hymns.The Bhagavad Gita (song of the blessed Lord...more
Hurricane Power Outages and Yoga
...people do not like Yoga but that's only because they've never done it before or perhaps they are in fear of bending themselves at all those weird angles. It kind of looks like it hurts doesn't it? But rest assured yoga does not hurt if you do it correctly and you should not knock it until you try it. As long as you are to be bored off your...more
Try Yoga To Relieve Your Stress
...oga can reduce our stress level and help us improve the quality of our life, by helping us to truly relax to a deeper level.High levels of stress develop the fight or flight syndrome. This stored stress will result in an increased heart rate and blood pressure. It will also cause our muscles to tense and will release glucose to in...more
Secrets of Teaching Yoga
... to class early, enthused, and energized. Encourage all of your students and sincerely praise their achievements. The truth is, Yoga is like music, you can teach a student the basics, but to be a master teacher, you want to stir the creativity from within.When your students become creators, you can help them refine their Yoga practice and watch them become self motivators.A truly great t...more
