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Yoga Breathing Exercise Fundamentals
...ur overall health and well-being.Take our fight or flight response as one example. The instinctual fight or flight response served our ancestors well, arising infrequently to keep our ancestors out of danger and harm. Today, most of us suffer from an almost chronic, permanent fight or flight response triggering symptoms that lead t...more
Pranayama -- The Yoga of the Breath to our destination. When we do breathe it is often a shallow breath, concentrated in the upper chest- more closely resembling the breathing pattern of panic or flight. Often, the tensions of the day's activities leave us with a tight chest, strained, constricted breathing, and equally constrained and tight thoughts. In addition to asana practice, pranayama (Yoga of the Breath) is an excel...more
Yoga and Spirituality
...litate a women’s group. My viejitas as I called them with love, are from 65 (the baby) to a 100 year-old. In a very enthusiast manner they explained to me what “yoga in chair,” as it is normally known, meant.It is basically a practice that involves a series of gentle movements and postures that are supposed to enhance flexibility, ...more
Free Yoga Classes: A Lesson for Yoga Teachers
...dent.Think about this: When was the last time you could go to a deli and ask for a “free introductory package?” What do you think you would get for an answer?After all, you just want to try them out, see if you like it, and maybe you will come back. If you see no value in them, you could go to another deli,...more
Tutorial: Learning Yoga
...utorial to people who want to learn yoga.Online yogaRelaxation and a quick in touch with the mental and spiritual aspect of one’s personality and life makes yoga a worthwhile and distinct type of exercise done by people of all ages around the world.Yoga has previously been exclusive to the Hindu and other Indian religion. But nowadays, it is to be noted that the practice has al...more


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