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Fireworks after Yoga Day USA
...ay. The article is titled, “Yoga Day USA and The Distortion of Yoga in America.”Within this article, the “Top 10 Reasons to Try Yoga,” come under fire. The reasons stated are, “stress relief, pain relief, better breathing, flexibility, increased strength, weight management, improved circulation, cardiovascular conditio...more
The Truth About Christian Yoga's daily life. If you find yourself in the midst of intolerance and hate, you may want to consider going to a religious center, which is more in line with your moral values.On the other hand, if you suddenly find your Yoga class has turned into a cult following, and it is leading you away from God, you should also consider changing you...more
Ten Reasons Not To Practice Chair Yoga (And Why They Are Wrong)
...air yoga.4) “I don’t have time.”We all make time for what is important, and what is more important than your health? If you regularly practice your chair yoga you’ll have more energy and be more effective, and will be able to get that much more done. You’ll feel better while you’re going about your busy schedule, to...more
Yoga For Pregnant Women
...ts become loose and soft during pregnancy. The abdomen should stay relaxed at all times. Difficult and poses that put pressure on the abdomen and other should NOT be done during advance stages of Pregnancy. No any kind of pain or nausea should be felt during and/or after yoga. If this happens, you should stop yoga practice and contact your GP.4. When carrying out standing poses with your he...more
The Different Types Of Yoga
... them have in common the search for the path of enlightenment.Bhakti yoga, for example, has as its aim love and devotion. The practice itself is very ceremonious, with a lot of rituals such lighting incense and chanting mantras. It is closely linked to another person, called the guru, basically a mentor or sponsor. Everybody who practic...more
