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The Real Secrets To Computer Stress Relief
...heir employees computer stress relief. Some basic yoga exercises that you can do for computer stress relief are neck stretches, shoulder lifts and side body twists and forward bending.Aside from yoga, massage provides quick computer stress relief. Massage has long been known to offer many therapeutic benefits. Ease shoulder, neck and back aches by massa...more
Yoga and Aging
...s ticking;” appears to be a path of physical and mental limitations for some of us. As we age, will we be less mobile, less wise, or a bit slow on our feet.Let’s discuss why; as you continue to practice Yoga, you will age gracefully and happily. How many times has your Yoga teacher told you to be present for practice or to “live in the moment?” ...more
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
...tranger, someone we may encounter and interact with just that one time. This is an obvious concept of course, but in our fast paced lives today it's well worth taking a moment to reflect and open our awareness so that we can see the many ways we can make this a pattern that becomes part of who we are.There are aspects...more
Yoga and the Gift of Communication advancement. It is unfortunate that with all the tools at hand, for brilliance, some of our children, and young adults, are growing up socially handicapped. The gift of communication has been taken for granted - but why?There is an old saying, “The best things in life are free.” This saying was also the title ...more
Four Easy Ways To Learn Yoga
...w many resources on the Internet as well as local stores, where you can pick up information and instructional material on many websites.Here are a few of the most popular methods:Classes: You can find classes by browsing online, checking with your local public schools or colleges or in your local yellow pages. Taking a class is usually the best way to begin. You can learn the basics from a ...more
