
Yoga Meditation 2


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Relax and Get Fit with Yoga Positions, Stretching and Meditation
...d to get in touch with your higher self and unify your consciousness to create optimal mental and physical health, enabling you to realize your full potential as a person. There are two types of meditation - active and passive. Active meditation involves use of a mantra, which is the repetition of a particular w...more
Yoga for Prevention of Breast Cancer
...low demand for alternative therapies. However there is growing interest in alternative methods of cancer prevention; and there is also a great deal of success being enjoyed by such treatments.Some of the activities or techniques that are becoming increasingly relied upon, and which are essential elements of the practice of Yoga, include...more
Yoga Instructor Training Aspects - Yoga Class Priorities If we are verbally beating any student's ego down, is he or she receiving the best possible Yoga instruction?This does not mean to ignore poor technique, but students should feel better about themselves after leaving our classes. If Yoga teachers appear impossible to please, dedicated students wil...more
Asana - Yoga Poses Or Something Else? Find Out!
...s Or Something Else? Find Out! FIRM AND PLEASANT CORPORAL TECHNIQUEAsana is any position that is firm and pleasant (sthira sukham asanam). This is the broad and laconic definition from the Yôga Sútra, chapter II, 46. According to this definition, the number of asanas is infinite.Another definition, this one attributed to Shiva, confirms that of Pátań...more
Yoga - Various Types And Various Reasons
...the soul and mind. Many people who practice Hatha Yoga find that in addition to healthy feeling bodies they become extremely clear minded and have better powers of concentration. They feel that every aspect of them is healthy. A few Yogis' use Hatha Yoga as their main method for spiritual realization. Meditation is much easier with...more


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