
Yoga And Meditation Centre Calgary


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What Is Power Yoga - And How Does It Differ From Ashtanga?
...s, created by Baron Baptiste. Baptiste studied with yoga teachers including Iyengar (Iyengar yoga), Pattabhi Jois (Astanga yoga), and Bikram Choundhury (Bikram yoga).Despite its physicality, Baptiste's Power yoga is based on the philosophy that self discovery, freedom, and truth are not to be found in either the dogma or traditional teachings of yoga, nor the technical parts of a physical as...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Empowerment with Yoga
...over abundance of information, and experts can disagree.Finding reliable answers does depend on information, but it requires some soul searching too. Do you feel in your heart that a decision is right? How will it affect your integrity? Will others benefit from your decision? Will someone be hurt by your decision?Yoga teaches us to look at life’s situati...more
The Yogic Approach for Coping With, and Preventing, Panic Attacks
... of lives. Yoga is an evolving science of life, which peacefully co-exists with other sciences and philosophies.Anxiety is a normal reaction to daily stress, which occurs in everyday life. Stress and anxiety can be healthy at low or tolerable levels. Each of us is different, so one person’s “breaking point” will not be the same as someone else. This breaking point occurs when anx...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Relief from the Symptoms of MS adapting to our changing needs every week. Every class is a great experience for me. It is so wonderful to be with a group of people who truly understand what it means to live with MS. My success in the class has helped in the rest of my life.The benefits I have received from my practice are too numerous to list here, but I have more flexibility, more energy, m...more
Karmic Yoga and the Necessary Mindset
...t all of these actions, the negative and the positive, are working to polish your soul like a mirror, so that it may be a perfect reflection of God, you will have arrived. This is the lesson of Karmic Yoga. This is the outcome. You can’t get to the enlightenment, however, you can’t get to the large tomatoes, without spreading the manure. When you, or if you, d...more
