
Yoga And Meditation Camps In India


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Prenatal Yoga is More than Classes for Pregnant Yoga Students
...ion on the inferior vena cava can slow the flow of blood to the uterus. Therefore, it would be prudent to use props in order to avoid conventional supine Yoga postures.Am I too cautious? Maybe, but I would like a guarantee that the fetus is getting good blood circulation, if a pregnant Yoga student is lying in a supine asana. A fe...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...usness where body and mind have been transcended. Karma Yoga - (action) - is the path of service, and none of us can escape this pathway. The principle of Karma Yoga is that what we experience today is created by our actions in the past. So if what goes around comes around - we will be inclined to live a less selfish life. It teaches us to detach ourselves from the results of our actions, let...more
Stress Relief of the Holidays
...ractice. Yoga can help alleviate stress by helping cultivate a deeper sense of awareness of one’s body and emotions. Through a discipline of inner attention, movement, breath work and relaxation an individual is better able to deal with stressful situations, relax more deeply and sleep more soundly.Even with the huge technological and medical advanc...more
Yoga Mats - Finding The Perfect Yoga Mat For You
...acing the rug over the sticky mat.Of course, you don't need to buy a yoga mat if you don't want to: can just use a thick towel, or a rug, as your yoga mat.Your choice of yoga mat is also influenced by where you'll be exercising.Where Will You Do Your Yoga Exercises?If you're doing your yoga in front of the TV on a carpeted floor, you can just use a thick towel, or a folded b...more
Will Yoga Help Weight Loss?
...faint hearted. Like all forms of exercise you should check with your family doctor before setting off to engage in a new fitness regime.It is becoming more and more recognised that overeating is related to our emotional state and our minds. Thus, a quieter mind, brought about through yoga practice will make it less likely that you will reach for that cream cake every time you get the urge.This...more
