
Siddha Yoga Meditation Kashmir Shaivism


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Yoga: Three Reasons you should not do Yoga Posture - Child's Posture
... posture brings lots of benefits to a practitioner; however in a few health conditions this posture should not be practiced.Three important reasons not to do the Child’s Posture:1) In case of slipped disc this posture should not be practiced. (The spine is made up of the vertebrae, which have cartilage discs between them. A slipped disc is when the soft part of the disc bulges th...more
Yoga Apparel
... in the class. Notice how comfortable they feel and how well they are able to move around with ease.If you are taking yoga at a special school inquire about the line of clothing that they would recommend. Some schools offer their own line of clothing as well. If not they can direct you to a website or a catalog that you can...more
Suffer From Insomnia - Yoga May Be The Answer
...wly. Keep your mind free of any places, people, things, color or any form. If thoughts arise let them pass by, a good exercise is to imagine the thought as a bubble and watch it gently float away. Keep letting go of any thoughts, the quiet spaces between them will soon become longer and more frequent. You are on the road of meditation!Meditation often takes practise, give it time, st...more
How Practicing Yoga Can Lead To A Healthier Heart For Baby Boomers
...s that you can do to ensure that your heart stays healthy. If you have not been active, don't rush into it. Just start out walking a few minutes and increase it gradually, you will be surprised at how quickly you will gain strength and endurance. Don't overdo it when you first get started. Starting out slow will help condition you...more
Yoga Teacher Guidelines for Assisting, Part 1
...a teachers know about giving an assist before a potential problem arises? As a Yoga teacher, Yoga instructor, or body worker, you should have clear cut policies concerning many things, but let’s focus on physical assists for now. Your release forms for Yoga students should explain what a student can, and cannot, expect from an assist; and you should get thei...more
