
Boston Yoga Certification


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Yoga Teacher Training: Am I Too Old to Become a Yoga Teacher?
...nd is a younger Yoga instructor better suited to teach Yoga to the public?Some of these veteran Yoga students have decades of experience, but feel intimidated by the “young hard bodies.” This is a deep subject, so let’s take a closer look at what holds some of us back from becoming a Yoga teacher.The followin...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Yogic Stress Management
... are reacting to deadlines at work, and home, every day. People often worry about lack of income, finances, and their relationships, because they do not have a plan and see no solution to the never ending cycle of excessive stress.All of this worrying, stress, anxiety, and lack of positive action, contribute t...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Building Self Image
...raits and qualities, you can see what you lack, and you can praise yourself for what you already have. It is most important to see what you have and appreciate it, before going after what you do not have.When you decide to make positive changes, you may want to focus on one change at a time. Most people cannot learn to appreciate themselves overnight, but you can be thankful for your...more
Weight Loss and Yoga - Estranged Bed Partners? the hands. Put palms up, then dig the thumbs into the tailbone and push the lumbar spine further up.2. Move the hands palms-down near or beside each ear. Press up into a U shape inverted position.The exercise will improve posture through strengthening the muscles along the spine. This would be very be...more
Which Type of YOGA is best?
...iate form. The principles of yoga is fairly simple - relax, switch off and stretch, and you’ll feel better.If you want to get fit…* Hatha yoga - based on controlled stretching, with an emphasis on developing a flexible spine. Good for all level of fitness.* Vini yoga - usually taught individually by a teacher call Desikachar. Vini yoga is safe and gentle and this is exceptionally good for...more
