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Is Cellulite Unhealthy?
...ite - even babies, though, on babies it is considered cute. Cellulite is just fatty tissue, the same as ordinary fat. Fat cells in the body generally are a depository of toxins. Minimizing the intake of toxins, and employing frequent detoxification measures can benefit health and improve the appearance of cellu...more
Bhakti Yoga - The Science of Devotion
...devotion to God and achieving the union with him. This is the easiest of all yoga types. This branch of yoga teaches the relation between the devotee and the divine. It does not involve any technical or complicated procedures. There is no need of any intellectual capacity to master this yoga. It has appealed to the common man because it gives him a feeling security and develops a kind ...more
Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
... restorative postures made some menopausal symptoms worse. This included mood swings and weight gain. They found that sometimes, more activity was better.Given that quite active physical exercise had been found to help with menopause, this observation is no real surprise. Ultimately, it depends on what is going on for each woman, and this can vary over time anyway. If yo...more
Diabetic Students and Yoga - What to Expect
...dies by as much as 50 milligrams per deciliter (or 50 points) in type II research subjects. In addition to this drop in blood sugar, there is an increase in nerve function.Certain postures and movements stimulate the glands of the body and have the most profound impact. Asanas, the Yogic postures that induce relaxation, and certain breathing exercises, stimulate...more
Do You Need A Yoga Exercise Mat
...ible to buy a pretty good yoga mat for $15 to $20. Of course, you can spend a lot more for a mat, but it really isn’t necessary.The type of yoga mat you purchase depends on several factors, including what type of yoga you practice. If you are using the more active and fast pace exercises, you may want thicker mat. You may also...more


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