
Mats Toes Yoga Yogi


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Perform Random Acts of Kindness
... that is the Yoga of Selfless Service.OK, how do we perform Random Acts of Kindness? It seems to me that this can range from something as simple as smiling at someone who's having a bad day to paying the toll for the car behind you in addition to your own on a toll road. How about clearing litter from your street? When driving, how about letting a car turn o...more
Which Yoga Mat Is The Right One For Me?
...e are several things to help you make that decision and knowing a little about each yoga mat will help you to make the right choice.The most common type of yoga mat is the sticky mat. These mats are very thin and offer a little padding. This is the traditional type of mat. There are now those that hav...more
Yoga For Weight Loss
..., to reach a better level of existence. Key points of focus are body balance, core strength, and flexibility.By centering yourself with yoga postures, and yogic breathing (Pranayama), you will begin to pay more attention to the body. Weight loss should not be simply about looking slimmer. Permanent weight loss is a result of a lifestyle change.Short term weight loss goals lead to short-l...more
The Expanding World of Gaming Consoles
...ntroduce games designed to make users more physically fit, as well as give another dimension to the gaming industry.The digital yoga instructor is a virtual guide for yoga enthusiasts. It guides users on all the moves, provides tips on how to stretch, and even keeps a daily record of the user's activities. It is available for $35...more
Yoga Instructor Training - The Importance of Clear Communication
... your class.As a result of your efforts to communicate, students will clearly understand that class time is set aside for them. When a Yoga instructor does not bother to communicate, assist, or make eye contact, a student may get the feeling he or she has become one of the outermost parts of the class.This is a...more
