
Yoga Order Mat Positions


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What Else Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know about Pranayama?
...ntar Kumbaka is the pause that happens when we retain the inhalation. Rechaka is the exhalation stage of a breath. Bahir Kumbaka is external breath retention and occurs after the exhalation stage.Why should we get so technical about Pranayama techniques in the average Yoga class? Many Yoga students will come to your classes for a variety of pain re...more
Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers
...o right or wrong credential to have, you should have 200 hours of study at a minimum and the certification course should include every facet of yoga with particular importance placed on anatomy, physiology, safety, modifications, props and important contraindications.Additionally, if you are starting out then it is advisable to find a study course that also includes the fundamentals...more
Yoga For Shoulder Pain - 3
...k of awareness to the scapular region leads to chronic neck and shoulder pain. This article offers guidance in applying correctional cues in your Yoga Class to reduce and/ or eliminate these chronic conditions.The arms (bicep, tricep, deltoid) and back (rhomboid, levator, latissimus dorsi and trapezius) need to be toned and strong to be healthy and pain free.Your home practice is...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Class Presentation
...your Yoga classes.You may also want to share a small example of Yogic philosophy, or a quote, applied to daily life, at some point during your class. I usually cover something related to daily life at the end of class, after meditation.As much as the importance of starting on time has been mentioned, it is also important to end the class at the s...more
Obtain Better Health With Yoga
...ans the union of body, mind and spirit to make one harmonious whole. The principles of yoga were first put down in the 2nd century B.C. by Patanjali. They were called the Yoga Sutras or the ‘secrets of yoga’. It was supposed to be a spiritual-cum-philosophical system but today, it has given of its benefits to so man...more


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