
Yoga Positions Male Yoga Positions


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How to Become Regular in Your Yoga Practice
...are not motivated to do the practice, the enthusiasm of your friends will carry you along and you will do the practice with them.3. Make a Regular Schedule and Stick to It: Yoga is not like tennis or some recreational sport which you will do if the sun is shining and you feel like doing it. To get the true benefits from yoga y...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 5
...mentalists, for being a bit mystical and a little harder to understand. Based upon my own experience, Kundalini Yoga sessions will purge negative energy from your mind and body. Only positive results can be gained in the study of Kundalini Yoga, under the supervision of a competent Kundalini Yoga teacher.Mantra Yoga: Is unity through ...more
Different Poses For Yoga
...ep and make your asthma better. If you are having diarrhea, headaches, or are on your period, you should not try this pose until it is finished.3. Half Moon pose is a standing pose. The known name is Ardha Chandrasana. It will help to make your legs and ankles stronger. It will also bring great things that will make the digestio...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga
...nt and becoming the yogi.Bhakti Yoga is another very popular style of Yoga. Bhakti translates as developing divine love and devotion to God and is often known as one of the more easier paths of yoga. Bhakti yoga generally uses 9 Bhakti movements and its goal is moksha which means liberation.Karma i...more
Secrets to get the Most out of Your Yoga Teacher Training Course
...uctors, the initial training is a “spring board” toward future achievement.There are Yoga teacher graduates who get more out of the same Yoga teacher certification program than others. So, what are the secrets to their success? The following are useful tips for interns seeking a Level 1 Yoga teacher’s diploma, but they will also be of value to existing Yoga teachers, who seek contin...more


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