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What A Unique Vacation By Going On An Astanga Yoga Retreat India
...n with two hours of sadhana, also known as spiritual practices, with an expert guide on a beautiful lawn surrounded by coconut palm trees. The sadhana includes yoga postures, some chanting and some relaxing meditation. After the sadhana is completed a breakfast featuring tropical fruits, fruit juices and herbal teas wil...more
Yoga - Trendy Now, But Originated Long Ago
... a vegetarian diet, wore very little clothing, and did not care for material possessions. When we speak of yoga today, most of us forget about this brief narrative of yoga, and we seek these spiritual movements solely to get our bodies into shape.There are many different forms of yoga throughout the east, though westerners have only adopted a few types. Many believe that those ancient Hi...more
The History And Principles Of Yoga
... civilization.Yoga, a Hindu discipline, has been around for over 3500 years , and is a more effective remedy than anything else that has been devised or developed by our so-called more 'advanced' societies of more recent years.Many Western societies have embraced the yoga principles and teachings with both arms, as more and ...more
Yoga Instructor Certification Course - Why Registration Is Not Enough For New & Established Teachers
...d, regardless of the fact that this is a relatively safe and gentle pursuit compared to other activities.Unfortunately a lot of exercise classes are conducted with little or no regard of the new students health, conditions, fitness level and general history. For this reason a questionnaire is highly re...more
Tips For Finding The Right Yoga Teacher
...also high on the list, as is personal development, and the desire to follow a more spiritual path. Some may have a particular medical condition or health problem they want to address.One's reason for starting yoga may have a bearing on both the type of yoga that makes a 'best fit', as well as the particular teacher chosen within a yoga discipline. Wh...more
