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Yoga Teacher Training Online Correspondence Courses - The Inside Story
... ever before. Written assignments, completed exams, and critiques, can be sent back and forth via Email.Some interns elect to send their practicum in a video format or by streaming video. The most popular way to send a practical exam is still by postal mail in DVD format. Of course, the large VHS tapes are also acceptable. However, the small Hi8 tapes, which resemble casset...more
Yoga Poses: Techniques for Beginners to Veterans
... important to start off slow as it is likely you will not have the flexibility of someone who has been practicing for years. Basic poses will be introduced, mainly for stretching purposes and to establish the body into the yoga mind frame. You must remember that yoga is not a competition and everyone has different abilities. ...more
Stress-Free Parenting - Three Simple Yoga Stretches to Help Parents Reconnect and Enjoy Parenting
...your body.Three Simple Yoga Stretching Exercises to Relax your BodyONE: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms by your side. Slowly take a deep breathe in, and as you do, interlink your fingers and stretch your arms above your head. Stretch up as far as is comfortable and hold for a moment. Repeat this st...more
Yoga for Weight Loss
... are not right for just anyone. A lower weight target program would have adverse effects upon someone who was morbidly obese, as it would require them to work far too hard for their particular condition. The effects could be so extreme as heart attack or breathing issues. Also, if you lose too much weight too quickly, you risk having saggy skin hanging off your ...more
Hot Yoga - Bikram's Twenty Six
...oss the ad in the yellow pages didn't trigger the term 'hot yoga' in my mind, and that left me in for a big surprise.I showed up with a comfy pair of sweatpants and a long- sleeved t-shirt. As the woman at the desk was giving me a little orientation information - explaining that the room was heated to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit - I realized that my con...more
