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More About Yoga Therapy for Increasing Self-Worth, affirmations, or prayer, is to keep the mind under control. When left unattended, the mind can travel to many random thoughts, at the same time. It is guaranteed that an unattended mind cannot be fixed upon positive thoughts all the time. For some of us, the mind is programmed to default to negative thoughts automatically.This can be a result of past experience, conditioning, her...more
What Is Iyengar Yoga?
...control, introspection and surrender to God. Asana refers to posture and position (ideally an erect stance with relaxed muscles) and Pranayama is the directed control of one's breath, which is so vital to successful yoga practice.Pratayahara calls for the quieting of senses connected with the outer world. Only then will Dharana (conc...more
Questions about Yoga Teacher Training via Correspondence
...f your written exam. As harsh as this may sound: Essay exams will teach you more.Multiple choice or true / false exams are a “process of elimination,” and over the long-term, the facts you learn may be easily forgotten. A Yoga teacher written exam should be a measurement of what a Yoga teacher should know.3)...more
How to Get Started with Yoga Classes
... off your shoes and any stockings, and if you will practice it at home, you should be in a dim lightened, quiet and peaceful room. This will help in relaxation of your body, exactly as if you are going to bed at night. In addition, remove your contact lenses, your watch, and any accessories, tie up your hair, and turn off your mobile phone o...more
Yoga and the Gift of Empowerment
...arn from many sources, with modern technology, but always take the time to observe others. Through this method you will see what works, and what does not; but always remain ethical in your behavior, actions, and your words.Practice your natural talents to the best of your ability. You will find an art, craft, or skill, where your talent...more


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