
Mandala Yoga Meditation Center Titusville


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The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
...e.Half an hour of yoga a day, or 15 minutes of yoga twice a day, can easily be incorporated into any daily schedule. Some breathing techniques can even be practiced while working or driving home after a long day. A short routine for those of you spending hours staring at a computer screen is to take a few moments every day to glance at a distant object. This allows your...more
Obtain Better Health With Yoga
...on in 1973 resulted in five out of twenty high blood pressure patients stopping the use of their anti-hypertensive drugs while seven reduced their dosage. In 1993, there was a study done in India where 40 physical education instructors who were fit did yoga and showed a great improvement as far as their weight, heart rate and blood pressure were concerned. A study done in 1994 showed positive re...more
Yoga Meditation in Disguise
... argue against meditation? Why do they withhold the gift of meditation and reflection on God? If meditation is not a foreign insurrection, and is being practiced by the same religious leaders who condemn it, then what is going on? Why is Yoga considered a threat to any religion?For a few religious leaders, the issue of meditation has mo...more
Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 1
... cause and effect (Karma). Most of the world takes no action at all, but exceptional Yoga teachers do not “sit on their hands.” Just by taking action, you will be a success in life. Great ideas mean nothing without action, but your actions should always help others. It is fine to help yourself, just make sure you are not harming anything in the process.Compassion...more
Are Yoga Balls Helpful for Doing Poses?
... or literature you may be using as a road-map.Going back to the fun part of using exercise balls for yoga, what's even better is you can add simple calisthenics like the yoga-esque Hindu Push-Ups and several other core exercises to have one knockout of exercise routines for your yoga ball.Hey, one more thing, if you simply need a place to keep your jacket after a hard-day’s work, you could drop yo...more
