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Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Limits of Yoga Students
...g turn, if they are on a path of self-improvement. It is good for adults to have some care free qualities, but we cannot afford to push our bodies like children often do.Children commonly push their bodies too far, because they are not familiar with physical limits and their consciousness is limited, but children will usuall...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating the Seeds of Success this awareness gradually, but this is a fundamental part of yoga practice.Some Yoga teachers approach awareness and self-realization in different ways. Breath awareness, or Pranayama, (Yogic breathing techniques), is the easiest path for new students to develop self-realization. If taught properly, a new...more
How to Find the Right Yoga Class For You
...r You There are many types of yoga, some with more emphasis on the physical part of the practice and some with a more spiritual approach, some that will make you sweat and some where you’d spend half a class holding the same posture.There is a type of yoga for anyone!When choosing a class that’s right f...more
What is Yoga
... which is considered as a type of aerobic since they utilise quick and smooth transitions between the poses.The well known 'ommmm' chant is commonly used in Mantra. This type of yoga is focused on calming the body and mind through usage of sanskrit word and sounds.No matter which school one chooses, yoga is a very diverse practice. Old and young people...more
Yoga Teacher Training - Explaining Attachment to Outcome
...a Gandhi must have been attached to an outcome, which was India's independence. He was one of the most enlightened souls of the 20th century.Let's get a reality check. If we do nothing, we will accomplish nothing, and if we find a state of meditative absorption, with this kind of a mindset, we are guaranteed to do nothing with it. What a shame it would be if every enlig...more


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