
Yoga Exercise Yoga Mats


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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Warrior III
...lungs and shoulders.The Warrior III posture has tremendous benefits to a practitioner. However, in some health conditions this posture is not recommended.Three important reasons not to do the Warrior III posture:1) In case of recent or chronic lower back injuries avoid practicing this posture.2) If you have High blood pressure do not do this p...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 1
...nd the many other aspects of Hatha Yoga teaching.Yoga teachers should know how to give Asana modifications to their students. Sometimes, this could be advising a Yoga student to use a block, strap, bolster, chair, ball, blanket, or any other prop for proper alignment and safety. Other times, this might be giving a Yoga student an a...more
Knowing The Yoga Exercise Ball
...nal and elite athletes practice with them in order to develop coordination.Who can be benefited by using the Yoga exercise ball?Beginners of Yoga classes are those who are primarily benefited by the usage of the Yoga exercise ball. They can use the Yoga exercise ball to stabilize themselves in many of the poses they would be required to perform.The wheel posture or the Chakrasa...more
Benefits of Yoga
...ner.Benefits of yoga for sports professionals• Gentle hatha yoga can be used to lubricate joints and relax muscle tensions. • It can help in correcting muscle imbalances resulting from high impact training, strengthening the spine to prevent pain and injury. • Yoga can help to balance you...more
Bikram Yoga Positions
...aimed copyright protection for this particular set of Yoga positions and even sued some yoga studios that taught Bikram Yoga without paying his franchise fee. His argument was that "just as a sequence of musical notes or dance steps can be copyrighted - so can Yoga". Others claim that this is nothing else than pure greed, stemming f...more
