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Yoga Mats - Are They All Created Equal?
...and prevent you from slipping and sliding, you need to sprinkle them with a small amount of water and let them air dry. You can use these mats for most types of yoga.Ultra Double Thickness Mats These yoga mats are basically sticky mats that are ultra thick. They provide both stability and cushioning which is useful in certain poses. They can be a great choice for Astanga pr...more
Indian Gurus and Unsafe Yoga Practice
...s and Unsafe Yoga Practice Yoga - the oldest system of personal development needs no introduction nowadays. Its popularity can be estimated by the fact that more than 15 million people practice yoga in USA alone. Almost every health club in a country like UK has yoga classes. In India where the yoga system was originated it was not practiced on mass level until co...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Lowering Stress Levels
...iet, and relaxation, are useful aspects of the nine traditional branches of Indian Yoga. Coincidentally, all of these Yogic aspects can be refined separately, or in combination with each other, to make life less painful and less stressful.After Yoga students experience the bliss of being able to reduce their stress levels, at will, they learn to appreciate life's ups a...more
Modern Benefits from the Ancient Practice of Yoga
... yogic philosophy. While these early texts can provide us with many lessons, they are not the limits of modern yoga.In India, Nepal, and Tibet, many of the old traditions are kept alive. Many people, in these countries, have derived beliefs from the traditions, even though they aren't dedicated to the philosophy. The old system of yogis has given way to the y...more
The Origins of Yoga
... feel steady and pleasant. That feeling can be achieved but meanwhile, use props, such as a pillow to allow more comfort. You should challenge yourself but don't move on until you are feeling comfortable with the first postures you learn. The same applies to your everyday life; you need to find a stable and comfortable place within you to find your true potential....more
