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Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios
... vacations? Your Yoga students are “number one.”Doing the “little extras,” keeps Yoga students. When a student has a question, it is your job to give an informed answer; and if you do not have one, consult with a senior or master Yoga teacher. If you are not a “people person,” do not become a Yoga teacher.Make sure that the person who answers your phone loves people. You ...more
Yoga As An Effective Treatment For Back Pain
...About 90% of us will suffer from some for of lower back pain during our adult lives. When this happens many of us as back pain sufferers will be given treatment advice that doesn't really treat the underlying causes of our back pain, focusing instead on simply trying to manage the symptoms with painkillers and other drugs.But clinical...more
Yoga for Kids: What Yoga Poses are Best for My Child?
...for Kids: Recommended Poses.1. Sun Salutations:These are a group of poses that serve as a warm up to a yoga session or class. For staying fit, keeping obesity at bay and fun (especially when performed at a high speed), the Sun Salutations will be an immense source of enjoyment for kids getting introduced to Yoga. Do you kno...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 5
...presented in a uniquely powerful way.Kundalini Yoga was cloaked in secrecy until Yogi Bhajan gave a lecture in Los Angeles during January of 1969. Until that time, most information about Kundalini Yoga had been exchanged verbally from teacher to student. So, this was the beginning of Kundalini Yoga teaching “going public.”The awakening of Kundalin...more
If You're Serious About Being Healthy - Get In Front Of A Computer
...allows us to follow video based yoga instruction, without having to buy the videos or DVDs. Instead we can access a full library of videos online at the click of a mouse. Our high-speed computers can stream the videos over the internet to our homes or wherever else we want to practice. Convenience and quality –...more
