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Getting To Know Hatha Yoga
...lth. Most of the Western practitioners of the Hatha Yoga focus on the asanas or yoga poses and exercises but it is really a unified yoga discipline veering not only on the physical but also in Pranayama which consists of breathing and meditation techniques.Both Hatha Yoga and Raja Yogi are known as Ashtanga Yoga because it follow...more
Try Core Power Yoga
...ractice; and last the spiritual power which is the power behind the physical and mental power.Core power yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. The term was was given by Beryl Bender Birch, an Ashtanga Yoga teacher. It has been brought to the west by followers of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, a renowned Sanskrit s...more
The Principle Behind Christian Yoga
...can lead to the discovery of what at the moment is only a potential within you.Many of classes in the U.S teach the practice of yoga, the physical discipline that focuses on postures or asana, and employ no religious teaching at all. Other yoga teachers have training in yoga schools.Practitioners say that Christian yoga fills a need for believers who want the ...more
Yoga and Skiing Go Together Before, During and After the Ski Season
...le and relatively pain free, if you apply it during the season.In pre-season, as we now find ourselves, is the time to use yoga to strengthen the muscles used in skiing, and gain endurance and deeper breathing skills which will aid you when the season starts. I always laugh at the timing of articles in magazines touting: “It’s time to get into skiing shape” when t...more
OM - What It Is And How To Use It In Your Yoga Practice
...OM - What It Is And How To Use It In Your Yoga Practice OM is a mystical and sacred symbol used in Hinduism, Buddhism and other Dharmic religions. OM appears in Vedic Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language practiced by the Vedas. In Vedic Sanskrit, OM is used as a word of solemn affirmation and respectful...more


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