
Yoga Videos By Walden


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Yoga Brings Relief For Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sufferers
...x and that assist suffers of IBS. One of the physical activities that have been considered to be very effective in reducing muscle tension, is yoga.Yoga is used to connect the mind and body. It is mostly known as a movement meditation. Through the use of breath, as well as certain held poses, Yoga can help to improve several conditions in your body and in your health. In...more
YogaSutra - First Text On Yoga
...sness) but patanjali added the Purushavishesha (Supreme Being or God) element to the theory. The principles of yoga were described by patanjali in an eight fold yogic discipline. The yoga sutra is the known as most important basic text on yoga. In it he described that the goal of the student practicing yoga should be...more
A Beginner's Guide to Popular Yoga Types
... slow, emphasizing long holds and often employing various props, such as blankets, straps, and other items that help your body find the correct alignment for each position.Anusara - This type was founded by John Friend who wanted to create a more light-hearted class open and beneficial to yoga students of all levels. It ...more
Kegel Exercise for a Healthy Pregnancy
...trol problems.To find the correct muscles to target, pretend that you are trying to stop urinating. Squeeze those muscles for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this every few seconds. It's as simple as that. Nobody even has to know that you're doing them. Just make sure you breathe while doing the kegal exercises.It's important that you don't overdo your kegel exercise in the first few weeks af...more
Even for Asthma, Yoga can be Helpful
...t correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko.Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.So if you are looking for therapeutic drug-free methods of Asthma control naturally and effectively, you ...more
