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The Secret of Karma Yoga
... pundit. There was a thorny stick lying on the way which Ramana picked up; he sat down and began leisurely to work at it. The thorns were cut off, the knots were made smooth, and the whole stick was polished with a rough leaf. The whole operation took about six hours. Everyone was wondering at the fine appea...more
How To Lose Weight Rapidly
...t loss.There are a number of other products related to weight loss and calorie reduction. Some of the products that have been launched lately include the weight controlling belts and the vibrators. Although some of these products are useful in reducing the weight effortlessly and rapidly you should always consult your doctor before you use them. There are different exercises that are specificall...more
Selecting the Best Sticky Yoga Mat
... yoga. Her father soon took interested and patented the first sticky yoga mat. Then came the “Tapas Mat” under the Hugger Mugger company.Today sticky yoga mats come in a dizzying array of colors and thickness. To find the right mat for you, it is best to take into account the workouts that you do along with ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Abundance is Under Your Nose
...a or a dream. Medicine, philosophy, mathematics, language, Yoga, and much more, sprang forth from ideas and dreams.Patanjali put his own ideas, and those from the past, into print. Should he have withheld the Yoga Sutras from humanity for the sake of humility? Of course not, and creativity should not be stifled, as long...more
Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga
...h others and with our environment:Ahimsa - non-injury or non-harmingSatay - truthfulnessAsteya - nonstealingBrahmacharya - Godlike conductAparigraha - non-clinging/non-attachmentNiyamasThese five practices address our own appearance, deeds and thoughts, and govern our relationship with ourselves:Shauca - cleanliness, purity, hygiene, groomingSantosha- happiness, contentmentTapas ...more


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