
Kids Yoga Teacher Training


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Yoga for Seniors - Using Yoga to Reverse Aging
...cise with slow, controlled motions. This phase can last for several weeks or longer depending on the individual. It is especially important in the earlier stages to avoid muscle sprains and strains. That will make the experience more enjoyable and safer while reducing the chances for injury. Even while using this slow gradual approach, many retirees ca...more
What Is Hatha Yoga?
...balanced and a calm sense of euphoria and appreciation for each day takes root in your soul. Life is good, thanks to Hatha yoga, a practice that goes back thousands of years to some infinite source of knowledge the West generally seemed to have overlooked.There is certainly something to be learned from ancient Indian religions and yogi sages. The practicality of Hat...more
How to Incorporate Yoga in Your Fitness Regimen
...ll, can I combine it with the exercise I do now?”Sure, why not?As a matter of fact this will not only supplement your current fitness training regimen, it will give it an all-around augmentation.Here’s how to include yoga in your plan based on personal research and study.First of all, to warm up for what it is you might be doing-Calisthenics, Weight-Lifting, Pilate...more
Yoga Teacher Training
...mphasizes changing and adapting postures, breathing and sequences to each individual with the intention of creating specific therapeutic effects.And Gary's philosophy and approach are gaining ever increasing credibility.He designed the yoga sequence for the recent study published in the December 2005 issue of the Annals Of Internal Medicine. This double blind study showed yoga...more
Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra
... or not, most of us accept the concepts of intuition and insight. These concepts enable us to use self-reflection for our own advancement.Most Yoga practitioners think only in terms of physical Yoga (Hatha Yoga), only. Yet all Yoga practitioners are aware that Yoga involves physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, let’s use the “w...more


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