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Yoga and Meditation Meets Science - Anatomy of Yoga about yoga and meditation is no different. Some people try out yoga because their friends are trying it - word-of-mouth is enough to get them started.Others choose to start yoga and meditation driven mainly by a health scare, or a chronic health condition such as back pain, arthritis - even temporary conditions such as weight...more
Yoga and The Da Vinci Code
...and you may wonder what Roman Emperor Constantine’s real agenda was at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. What was the real purpose of gathering all of the Christian sects “under one roof?” It possibly has more to do with power than it has to do with purity or protection.So what in the world does this have to do with Yoga? Bew...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - How High A Salary Can You Earn As A Yoga Instructor?
...h to learn. With continual practice, you can pretty soon become an instructor. Depending on the way you market yourself and your yoga business you can earn a very high salary as an instructor.Many people are apprehensive in becoming yoga instructors as they are not aware of the pay or salary yoga instructors can earn. Contrary to what many people ...more
Getting Bent Into Shape In Texas - Or Yoga For Beginners
...ents are doing. This helps if the teacher doesn't demonstrate every pose. Be careful of watching advanced students. Don't compare yourself to them.* Familiarize yourself with some beginners' Yoga poses prior to taking your first class.* Come back in a few days for the next class.If you're a young individual who likes to try different w...more
Beginning Yoga, Finding A Yoga Mat
...tors and participants alike.A good place to start would be your local department store or local chain sports store, as these types of stores should have a good range and the prices could be good also. However, if you would rather go to something more individual, or if you want a more unique and personalized mat, there are many other options t...more
