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Yoga Teacher Retention Tips
...e, so avoid medical opinions, unless you are a medical doctor. A wise Yoga teacher would tell his, or her, Yoga students to seek medical advice from a physician. Yoga students should also look into the value of a second opinion from a qualified medical professional.Make sure your staff, and the person who answers the phone, are very friendly. If this is not the case, find replacements. A rude...more
Prenatal Yoga is More than Classes for Pregnant Yoga Students
...o the uterus. Therefore, it would be prudent to use props in order to avoid conventional supine Yoga postures.Am I too cautious? Maybe, but I would like a guarantee that the fetus is getting good blood circulation, if a pregnant Yoga student is lying in a supine asana. A few blankets, pillows, and bolsters will help insure safety in this case.Lastly, I do no...more
Discover Yoga's Healing Power
...light” response. It is called the parasympathetic nervous system or the “relaxation response.” It is automatically activated when the elements that caused the stress are gone but it is also possible to increase its effects by breathing deeply and relaxing your muscles. By increasing the length of this process we allow our body to recover faster, enabling it to eliminate the harmful effects of...more
What is Aqua Yoga?
... It acts as a safeguard against any injuries that will most likely occur on land. When you are practicing on hard surfaces, your knees and other muscles might get stiff and it may lead to injuries. The movements of your hands and legs become smoother in water and therefore your body will not experience the strain if you do ...more
Chair Yoga for Senior Independence pliable as they used to be. We all know how devastating a broken hip can be. Therefore, balancing exercises are covered, and students are reminded to work on balancing at home.At home, the walls, and your kitchen counter, can also be used for sturdy props when working on balancing exercises. You should also be aware that some prescripti...more


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