
Meridian Mississippi Yoga Video


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Yoga for Fitness
... training may be a bit confusing. There is Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Power Yoga and many others.If you are feeling a little intimidated, don't be. Yoga was meant to be enjoyed by everyone. Usually a community recreation center or local studio will offer discount beginner classes in Ashtanga Yoga, which is a very mild form. You will learn the basics, includi...more
Yoga for Brain Injury
...tep progression in a set order. Learning and remembering such movements through repetition becomes a form of cognitive therapy.Before beginning a yoga practice, survivors should talk with their treatment providers, as well as their intended yoga instructor. Most teachers ask about injuries in the beginning of class, but few people understand the intricacies of TBI...more
Yoga for Diabetes
...her major complication of diabetes. Neuropathies are a family of nerve disorders that often result in numbness, tingling, and sometimes, pain. Yoga has been shown to help prevent the onset of neuropathy. In diabetics with sub-clinical neuropathy, yoga can relieve symptoms.Not least important is the stress reduction power of yoga. Through focus on breathing ...more
Yoga for Seniors - Using Yoga to Reverse Aging
... means union; therefore it is no surprise that one of the main underlying concepts is to achieve greater peace and harmony by better uniting the body and spirit. Perspectives on life and ourselves tend to change as we advance in age. The spiritual side of the world receives more importance as we grow older - this forms a...more
Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1
...k muscles too. Begin the posture by Tadasana, next inhale and raise the arms overhead. Exhale while bending the hips, and bring the arms forward and down until they touch the floor. Either grasp the ankles or just leave the hands on the floor and breathe several times.The Cobra/ Bhujangasana:This exercises stretches the spine, s...more


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