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Modern Benefits of an Ancient Practice
... Upanishads, outline many principle beliefs of Hinduism including the philosophy of yoga. Later, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras united many texts to form a grand summary of early yoga. The Yoga Sutras connect these practices to the Hindu belief system.Quieting the mind, tranquility, and being present in this life, are some of the primar...more
Yoga For People Who Don't Do Yoga! and how I operated in it with new eyes! We had some fascinating discussions into the areas of mind body connection and the human tendency to live either in the past or the future rather than focussing in on what was happening now, in the present.In conclusion. I have to say that I had a wonderful time. The yoga was energising and was always within my phys...more
Can Yoga Help Cure Insomnia?
...the Plow also increases blood flow to encourage a restful feeling in the person by stretching the muscles out.Lying on the floor, crossing your leg over your body and gently pulling it across to the other side of the body while breathing out is referred to as the Opposite Side Twist.All these positions encourage and train the muscles and body to react to dail...more
Yoga Instruction - The Inside Story
...Students will experience physical and emotional shifts during their progress. An effective yoga instructor can be there to guide them, but the guidance must be focused on disciplined and ethical alignment. Select carefully the tone of words and music used in the class. Balance of the mind, body, emotion, and sp...more
Benefits Of Padangusthasana
... in recuperating your tired body. The less stress you give to your important organs it would work in a better fashion and helping your health.With the improper diet, many of us suffer from gastric and indigestion problems. As we do not take care of our health and does not even look at the warning signs our body sends to us. This exercise helps in remo...more


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