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Mother and Child Yoga - A Great Activity for You and Your Baby
...sic bond between a mother and her child is formed early on in infancy and is absolutely necessary for healthy development. The constant interaction between you and your baby during yoga exercises help to solidify the important bond that you share.Since Baby Yoga helps to enhance the growth and development of your baby emotionally and physically, your baby may benefit in other ways as wel...more
Tracing the History of Yoga
... brought by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization. It was a compilation of hymns that commends a high power which included the oldest recorded teachings in Yoga. They have considered this the divine revelation. The intelligence of the Vedas was known as the Pre-classical Yoga or the Vedic. This was describ...more
Hatha Yoga - The "Yoga of Postures" - The Ancient and Spiritual Path
...atha Yoga is so ancient, and its main concept is that a strong and relaxed body guarantees a spiritual progress. Its goals are to have a strong, healthy, flexible and relaxed body. The word "Hatha" means "sun + moon", which symbolizes the opposite currents in the system of the human body. This is because Hatha Yoga depends on a set of exercises, which supply the body with po...more
An Introduction to the Different Types of Yoga
...f that yoga should be tailored to each individual.Sivananda Yoga - one of the better known styles in the West, this style is based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda, who trained as a western doctor and then dedicated his life to promoting the benefits of yoga. This style promotes a five point plan to health and happiness; proper exercise, breathing, re...more
Astral Projection in Yoga Practices - How to Become One With Everything
...n the ethereal universe. In many respects, astral projection (and of course Yoga and meditation as well) has been long theorized to be a tool to teach peace. If you feel connected to everything, and feel a sense of true, undeniable and indescribably affinity to the energy field from which we all arise (mush like the w...more


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