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More Benefits of Yoga
...ntle exercise can help you lose weight. It helps in both direct and indirect ways. First, indirectly, your overall health and state of mind will improve; you will be inclined to eat better, healthier food regularly. And, you will have more energy for other activities – like walking or sports that will help you burn calories fast. Now let’s take a look at other ways yoga...more
Yoga: Truth about Your Health
... a human body can be categorized into the following Physical Health, Mental Health, Moral Health and Health of perception. If the Person has a firm body and emotionally stable mind they will gain wisdom and eventually lead to freeing the soul.But a student of yoga never forgets that health starts with the physical body. Health of the physical body is not something you would want to bargain ...more
The Mind – Body - Spirit Connection to Good Health Through Yoga important no matter what your age. We read all the time that our children are pushed heavily by parents to be involved in after-school activities to keep them out of trouble, but that is also a way of taking away play time which relieves stress.The parents are stressed through work, family, avocations, etc and they too need a quiet way to return to a calm mind that thinks clearly, ...more
Yoga For Stress Relief And Anxiety
...pose, and happy baby pose, are all excellent for relaxation and stress relief.Depending upon the lesson plan, each session of Hatha yoga can involve from 10 to 70 poses. Yoga instructors often end each class with Sivasana (Corpse Pose). This pose finishes up many classes because of the relaxing properties.Through regular yoga practice, the body...more
Arthritis Exercise - One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 1)
...e pound and using your arms as you walk can involve the whole body. The “trick” is to make walking interesting enough as an exercise to stay motivated. Try walking in different settings, alternating walking with dance on different days, and of course including a partner can be much more interesting than going at it alone.Using aquatics: exercising in a pool-is a great way to exercise as wel...more


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