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Yoga in Practice: From Worrier to Warrior I
...lth will suffer.Consider your Yoga class to be “me time.” This is time you need to improve your well-being. There is no “short cut” to good holistic health. Many have tried to design a pill for the illusion of good health, but so far, all the public gets are the side effects.You can take positive action against worrying - by practicing Yoga. The practice of Yoga is a method ...more
The Essence of Karma Yoga
... nature of Karma Yoga.“Your only duty is to act and not to hanker after the fruits (or the results) thereof.' Be not the purpose of your actions. Let not the work bind and blind you. Work with total non-attachment and selfless attitude.”In Karma Yoga the seeker is working with the hope and aspiration of serving God. In Karma yoga the seeker’s only desire is to fulfil the will of God. In th...more
Deciding When To Do Yoga
...a during the evening or at night. This would probably include any time from when you get home from work until you go to bed. By waiting until nighttime, you can do your it without having to worry about your daily chores and getting to work on time. On the downside, you may feel tired at night, which can negatively impact your yoga routine. Also, if you are w...more
Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 2
...your back straight,” but now we know that he or she was absolutely correct. Take the time to adjust your spinal alignment, from this moment on, and every time you can remember to do so.If possible, you should also attend any workshops about Chiropractic and Orthopedic medicine. Educate yourself about your body, your spine, and your choices. You can usually...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 5 a physical competition, we could invite some top gymnasts to teach classes and retire from teaching Yoga, as we were too old to perform feats that impress a crowd.This is not meant to imply disrespect to gymnasts, martial artists, dancers, or any other highly trained athlete. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge, effort, work, and time t...more


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