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Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Plough
...tem of yoga involves five main principles: exercise (asana), breathing (pranayama), relaxation (shavasana), diet and meditation. To slow down the aging process one principle cannot exist without another. This is the holistic approach towards life.The Plough is a very dynamic and extreme forward bending posture promoting strength and flexibility in...more
Secrets to get the Most out of Your Yoga Teacher Training Course
... family, housework, evening classes at college, and studying to become a Yoga teacher. You need to assess your obligations and determine your free time. Knowing this will help you plan how many pages to read per night, how much time to practice, or how to plan your next assignment.Never cram your studies. Be honest with yourself and get the most out of your Yog...more
Yoga Exercises - Healthy Lifeline With The Yoga Experience
...y poor unfortunate urchins die from cholera etc while trying to pick a pocket or two. The answer to that is there was no awareness programme administered on how to stay healthy and fit. (Which may have helped save lives?) Could this be the reason why so many children have been introduced to Yoga Exercises by their parents in the 21st century?Yoga exercise...more
Managing Stress with Hatha Yoga
...our own.A typical Hatha yoga session will include a dozen or more poses. Many classes will start beginners off with the corpse pose, which is a simple lying on the floor, completely relaxed pose. The corpse, done properly, is most excellent for calming your mind.Another important part of yoga is learning how to properly brea...more
Yoga And Pregnancy
... be discovered through yoga.The hormonal changes that took place during and after the pregnancy shook me…more like threw me for a few loops. Instead of checking into a loony bin or hitting my husband, I hit the mat –with and without my babe – and breathe. Interestingly, I experienced profound shifts in peace-of-mind when my practice was neglected and when I re-found it.Giv...more


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